"Translingualism in the Arb North American Novel" (60% drafted)
“The Violent Fecundity of Mohja Kahf’s Translingual Texts.” American Quarterly 73.3 (2021): In Press.
“Eating the Matriarch: Locating Identity in the Arab American Female Body.” Amerasia 44.1 (2018): 128-145.
“‘A Bastard Jargon’: Language Politics and Identity in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.” South Atlantic Review 81.1 (2016): 34-50.
Book Chapters
“Approaching an Untamed Poetry: Arab North American Poetry in the Classroom.” Teaching Approaches to Asian North American Literature, eds. Jennifer Ho and Jenny Wills. Modern Languages Association Press. (In Press)
“Building Bilingualism in Community: A Case Study of ISLA’s First Year as a Spanish Heritage Language Program.” Raising Children Bilingually in the United States, ed. Iulia Pittman. Cambridge Scholars Press. Co-authored with Aerin Benavides. (2015)
Encyclopedia Articles
“Arab Muslim Women’s Fiction.” Women, Gender and Women’s Fiction: The Americas. The Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Supplement 14, ed. Suad Joseph. Brill Online. (2016)
Digital Work
“Who are we, and where are we going? A critical look at Arab American Studies.” Arab Amreeka: The Arab American Studies Association Blog. Co-authored with Akram Khater. (2015)
“Undergraduate Research in Linguistics: Slang and Reality TV.” GRC@UNC: The Office of Undergraduate Research Blog. (2013)