Linfield College
Assistant Professor, Department of English: Fall 2018 – Present
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Instructor, Department of English and Comparative Literature: Fall 2016 – Spring 2017
Instructor, Department of English and Comparative Literature: Spring 2013 – Spring 2015
Instructor, School of Romance Languages, Department of Spanish: Fall 2011 – Spring 2015
Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
Instructor, Department of British and North American Literature: Fall 2015 – Spring 2016
Instructor, Department of Education: Fall 2015
Seminario Metropolitano de Sevilla (Spain)
Instructor, English as a Second Language Program: Fall 2015
Linfield University
Instructor of Record
Arab / Muslim / Terrorist (Fall 2019)
300-level special topics course on Arab and Muslim diasporic studies
Puritans to Postmoderns (Spring 2019)
200-level American literature survey with emphasis on less-commonly taught literatures
Inquiry Seminar: Races of the Future, the Future of Race (Fall 2018)
First-year seminar investigating the intersection of critical race studies and speculative fiction
University of North Carolina, Department of English and Comparative Literature
Instructor of Record
Contemporary Arab American Literature (Spring 2017)
100-level elective examining Arab American novels, poetry, film, and comic books
Language Matters (Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Fall 2016)
100-level required rhetoric and composition course introducing academic writing in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities
Teaching Assistant
Intersectionality: Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Justice (Spring 2017)
200-level English, American Studies, and Political Science super-course addressing multiple modes of difference through an interdisciplinary framework
Movie Criticism: Re(why)nd (Spring 2015)
100-level elective introducing film analysis and film theory
History of the English Language (Spring 2014, Spring 2015)
300-level elective surveying the English language from Old English to the present
Mixed Race America (Fall 2013, Fall 2014)
200-level service learning elective examining racial and ethnic communities in the United States
English in the USA (Spring 2013)
300-level elective covering the regional, social, and stylistic variations in the English language in the United States
University of North Carolina, School of Romance Languages, Department of Spanish
Instructor of Record
Spanish for High Beginners (Fall 2011 – Spring 2013)
100-level accelerated Spanish-language course with instruction split between in-person and online environments
Intermediate Spanish I (Fall 2013, Spring 2014)
200-level Spanish-language course expanding awareness of the Spanish-speaking world through readings and discussions of representative texts
Teaching Assistant
Spanish Sociolinguistics (Spring 2012)
300-level Spanish-language elective on contemporary language topics in linguistics, sociology, psychology, and communication studies
Universidad de Sevilla, Department of British and North American Literature
Instructor of Record
Survey of 19th-Century British Literature (Spring 2016)
Second-year survey of Romantic poetry and Victorian fiction (delivered in English)
20th-Century British Literature: James Joyce (Fall 2015)
Second-year course exploring James Joyce’s novels and short stories as postcolonial literature (delivered in English)
Universidad de Sevilla, Department of Education
Instructor of Record
Nuevas Iniciativas en la Tecnología y el Bilingüismo (Fall 2015)
Master’s-level course introducing pedagogical theories of writing, reading, speaking, and listening in bilingual education (delivered in Spanish)
Seminario Metropolitano de Sevilla
Instructor of Record
The Catholic Church in a Postmodern World (Fall 2015)
Advanced English-language conversation class on current controversies in Catholicism